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Supporting Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


National Lottery Heritage Grants fund projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK. They fund projects that value, care for and sustain heritage for everyone across the UK, now and in the future. Heritage can include nature and habitats, historic buildings and environments, or cultures, traditions and people’s memories.

There are two grant levels available, £10k - £250k and £250k - £10m.

They fund projects that:

  • clearly focus on heritage – this can be national, regional or local heritage of the UK
  • take into account all four investment principles
  • have a clear plan with a defined start, middle and end
  • have not already started
  • can demonstrate the need for National Lottery investment

Grants can support a broad range of activities and direct project costs, such as:

  • volunteer expenses, new staff posts and training costs
  • capital works, repair, maintenance and conservation
  • professional fees, event costs and activities to strengthen your organisation
  • acquisition of heritage and costs associated with the purchase
  • costs to join Fit for the Future, a UK-wide environmental sustainability network

Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters

Geographical areas funded: UK

Fund type

Type of funding:
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Fund award sizes

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Notes on award amounts:
Premium information

Who can apply

Under this programme, we accept applications from not-for-profit organisations, private owners of a heritage asset and partnerships. Organisations need to have a bank account, a governing document, and two or more members that are not related or living at the same address.

When to apply

There is no deadline for applications.

For grants under £250,000, you can use their optional Project Enquiry service to get feedback on your idea within 10 working days.

How to apply

Apply online. Application process differs depending on how much you are applying for, see the Heritage Fund website for full details.

Contact information


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Activites funded: Arts & culture Environment Heritage & building preservation

Beneficiaries funded: General public Local communities

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Last reviewed about 2 months ago

All funds from this funder

National Lottery Heritage Fund