Climate Emergency and Resilience Grants are available to community groups and organisations who need funding to pursue environmental, sustainability or climate change projects.
The fund can be used for community projects which embrace the council’s climate change, sustainability, and climate adaptation objectives:
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: South Lanarkshire
Applicants should either be a community group officially operating in South Lanarkshire Council or a partner organisation.
One application can be made each year. A decision will be made within 30 days unless additional supporting information has been requested.
Complete the online form on the Council website.
Activites funded: Community development and regeneration Community facilities Environment
Beneficiaries funded: Local communities
Last reviewed 3 months ago
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.
This is a premium feature. You can use lists to organise funds you are interested in. Lists can then be downloaded as a full report of each fund (including any notes you have made) in PDF or CSV format. You can also subscribe to receive email updates about fund specific news, or when a fund has re-opened.