Parkinson's UK - Physical Activity Grants
Supports activity providers, communities, networks, organisations and others to develop opportunities for people with Parkinson’s to become and stay active. They are looking for new opportunities for people affected by Parkinson’s to participate in physical activity and sport or increased participation in these areas.
The key outcomes of the fund are:
- People with Parkinson's become and stay active, and/or significantly increase their levels of activity if they are already active.
- More physical activity provision for everyone with Parkinson’s across the UK.
- Improved social wellbeing in people with Parkinson’s as a result of attending the project.
Examples of eligible projects include:
- New physical activity provision for people with Parkinson's
- New physical activity that significantly increase the level of physical activity of people with Parkinson’s who are currently active
- Buying equipment that will facilitate or enhance activities
- Essential maintenance or replacement of equipment that will lead to greater participation or increased impact
- Facility hire
- Specific training
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: UK
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Minimum:
- Premium information
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Applicants must:
- be based in the UK
- have a business/community bank account
- where applicable, provide evidence of your articles of association, constitution or other relevant governing documents
- consult with their local Parkinson’s UK staff
- ensure that all relevant qualifications are held and insurance is in place prior to delivery of the project
When to apply
Currently closed applications due to open on 10 March 2025.
How to apply
The application form and guidance can be downloaded from the Parkinson's UK website. As part of the application process you must consult with local Parkinson’s UK staff.
Activites funded: Health care and wellbeing Sport and physical activity Recreation and social activities
Beneficiaries funded: Ill-health
Last reviewed 1 day ago
Parkinson's UK
Charity registered in Scotland SC037554
50 Broadway, London, SW1H 0DB
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.