Fife Community Climate Grants – Small Grants Fund
The Small Grants Fund supports groups who wish to engage their communities in climate related activities. The fund aims to encourage new climate action and conversation in communities who are less engaged on climate issues. It is a requirement that funded activities are used to get the climate conversation going in your communities.
Groups could run activities such as climate-themed film showings, ‘climate conversation’ discussion groups, led walks with a climate-change theme or a climate change litter pick. Groups are encouraged to run activities during Fife Climate Festival (23 September to 5 October 2024).
Fife Communities Climate Action Network (FCCAN) administer this funding as part of the Fife Climate Hub project and in partnership with Climate Action Fife.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: Fife
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Capital, Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Annually awarded:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Local community groups or organisations based in, and working in, Fife can apply. Applications will only be accepted from constituted, non-profit-distributing organisations.
They are looking for applications from grassroots organisations that are community-led. Groups need to have their own bank accounts or partner with organisations that do.
When to apply
Currently closed.
How to apply
To apply, download the online application form on the fund website and submit via email. Please also send a copy of your constitution.
Activites funded: Arts and culture Citizenship and community involvement Community development and regeneration Community facilities Education and training Environment Organisational development and capacity building
Beneficiaries funded: People affected by drugs and alcohol Black and Ethnic Minorities Carers Children Economically/socially disadvantaged Families General public Homeless or badly housed Care experienced people Socially isolated people LGBTQI people People in poverty Rural communities Men Mental health conditions Offenders and ex-offenders Older people Ill-health Disabilities Learning disabilities Physical disabilities Sensory impairments Refugees and asylum seekers Religious and Belief Groups Local communities Voluntary sector organisations Unemployed Victims of crime and abuse Volunteers Women and girls Young people Veterans and armed forces personnel Urban communities
Last reviewed 4 months ago
Fife Communities Climate Action Network
Ore Valley Business Centre 93 Main Street, Lochgelly, Fife, KY5 9AF
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Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.