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Supporting Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


The Anti-Stigma Arts Fund supports arts projects in any medium that aim to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.

They are particularly keen to fund participatory projects led by or meaningfully involving those with experiences of wider discrimination, such as racism, and marginalisation, including those with protected characteristics who may also have experience of disadvantages such as poverty.

They will also prioritise projects that plan to take an explicitly intersectional approach to their work.

Partnership working between organisations and creative practitioners is encouraged for these projects and you must be able to demonstrate in your application that you possess or can access the necessary skills to take the project forward. Projects must involve people with lived experience of mental health problems.

This year’s projects must engage meaningfully with experiences and impacts of poverty and its intersections with mental health. They will also prioritise projects which focus on understanding the experiences of racialised communities, people with experience of physical disability and / or people with experience of mental illness / severe and enduring mental health problems. This year, proposals are encouraged from organisations and constituted groups seeking funding for participatory creative projects.

Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters

Geographical areas funded: Scotland

Fund type

Type of funding:
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Fund award sizes

Premium information
Premium information

Who can apply

The fund is open to constituted groups and organisations. Partnership working between organisations and creative practitioners is encouraged and you must be able to demonstrate that you possess / can access the necessary skills to take the project forward.

Freelance artists must be paid at industry rates by the organisation collaborating with them, please detail this within your budget.

When to apply

Applications currently closed.

How to apply

Application forms are available on the See Me website and should be submitted by email.

Contact information

Activites funded: Arts and culture Mental health care

Beneficiaries funded: Black and Ethnic Minorities Economically/socially disadvantaged LGBTQI people Mental health conditions Disabilities Refugees and asylum seekers

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Last reviewed about 1 month ago

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