Impact Funding Partners - Anti-Racism Community Engagement Fund
The Anti-Racism Community Engagement Fund aims to provide community groups and organisations with funds, within this short timescale, to create a focused engagement on the future Anti-Racism Observatory of Scotland (AROS). It is essential that we gather community expertise, not only about how people understand systemic racism in their lives but also to use that knowledge to build how they want this new organisation to work for them.
The intention for the funding is:
- To build a deeper community understanding of the future AROS.
- To undertake focused conversations about how the participatory community research undertaken by the Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group (AIGG) in 2023 fed into the developing plan for the new organisation.
- To explore, from this baseline, how people think the future AROS could work for them.
You can request a grant to cover the following costs:
- Reimbursement for participant expertise/time [see criteria]
- Facilitator
- Transport costs
- Accessibility needs (childcare, translation, etc)
- Venue hire
- Food
- Reporting costs (e.g., illustrators)
- Volunteer/support staff expenses where these are additional in support of the event
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: Scotland
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant, Staff time
- Type of cost:
- Capital, Core costs
Fund award sizes
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
- Must be a third sector organisation, grassroots or community group.
- must have demonstrated experience working with communities adversely impacted by systemic racism, have the ability to gather community expertise and have capacity to deliver the proposed engagement event.
- if registered outwith Scotland, they must provide robust evidence that they have a strong track record of delivering in Scotland and that the conversation will only take place in Scotland and involve people living in Scotland.
- must have experience working with communities adversely impacted by systemic racism.
- Must have a constitution or set of rules.
- Must have a bank account in the organisation’s name with at least two unrelated signatories. This must be held with a bank regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority [or, if no bank account, the application must be made by another eligible organisation submitting on their behalf].
Organisations led by people adversely impacted by racism are particularly welcomed.
When to apply
Currently closed.
How to apply
Apply online via website.
Activites funded: Advice and information Citizenship and community involvement Justice, equality and law
Beneficiaries funded: Black and Ethnic Minorities Refugees and asylum seekers Victims of crime and abuse
Last reviewed 19 days ago
Impact Funding Partners
Charity registered in Scotland SC035037
Robertson House 152 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4TB
Funder Commitment on Climate Change
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.