The Ulverscroft Foundation
The Ulverscroft Foundation supports projects that help visually impaired people. Within any group of people there will be an element of visual impairment; grants can only be considered if the VI element is significant.
In making a decision about whether to support an application, our Trustees will take the following factors into account:
- Sustainability
- Value for money
- Financial viability
- Matched funding
- Scaleability
- Accessibility
- Safeguarding
- Monitoring and evaluation
Your application should include at least the following:
- details of your current service to visually-impaired people, if any, and how it will be improved or enhanced by the proposed project.
- an estimate if possible of how many blind and visually-impaired people currently use your service, and how many will use it in the future;
- any funding received or pledged to date for the project in question, and the names of other organisations to which you have applied;
- a copy of your latest annual report and accounts;
- confirmation that your organisation has a safeguarding policy for vulnerable children and/or adults, as appropriate;
- confirmation that your organisation has an equal opportunities policy.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: UK European Union Overseas
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Applications for funding can be considered from any source, UK or overseas. Applicants need not necessarily be a charity: they can be a CIC or social group.
When to apply
Trustees meet quarterly to consider applications: in January (deadline 15 December), April (deadline 15 March), July (deadline 15 June) and October (deadline 15 September). Please note: the dates of our meetings may be subject to change.
Next deadline: 15 Mar 2025
How to apply
Download, complete and return an application form from the website.
Activites funded: Education and training Health care and wellbeing Research
Beneficiaries funded: Disabilities Physical disabilities Sensory impairments
Last reviewed 2 months ago
Ulverscroft Foundation
Registered charity (rUK) 264873
The Green Bradgate Road Anstey, Leicester, LE7 7FU
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.