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Supporting Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


The Regenerative Futures Fund is a ten-year fund for Edinburgh. It puts decision-making power into the hands of the people who are most often excluded. It gives organisations the opportunity to think and plan for the long-term.

Funding will be for 10-15 collectives and organisations, who are addressing the root causes of poverty and racism in a just and environmentally sustainable way, open to working in a collective with others through a programme of shared learning and imagination activities throughout the grant and based in Edinburgh. Funding will be at a level of £50-£100K a year for 10 years. A minimum threshold of 50% of the full cohort of funded organisations will have diverse leadership with a focus on anti-racism in the context of ending poverty.

The Fund will:

  • Support organisations and collectives to work on long-term solutions to the complex problem of tackling the root causes of poverty, racism and the environmental crisis.
  • Engage with local authority leaders, funders and others to learn and collaborate with funded organisations on shared objectives and wider system change
  • Support a more diverse and experience-informed group of voices to shape change and direct resources towards the programme goals
  • Create new solutions to long-term entrenched challenges faced by Edinburgh and its diverse communities

The fund will be delivered in two phases – capacity building (funding for approx. 25 organisations) followed by the 10-year fund (funding for 10-15 organisations).

Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters

Geographical areas funded: Edinburgh

Fund type

Type of funding:
Type of cost:
Revenue, Core costs

Fund award sizes

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Annually awarded:
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Notes on award amounts:
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Who can apply

Collectives, movements and grassroots organisations:

  • located in the City of Edinburgh, with strong links to local community
  • working locally to address the root causes of poverty, racism and/or climate change (and the intersection of these issues)
  • committed to collaborating with others through a programme of shared learning and imagination activities throughout the 10-year programme.

A minimum threshold of 50% of the full cohort of funded organisations will be led by Black and People of Colour

When to apply

Use eligibility criteria checker until 22 April 2025. Expression of interest deadline is May 2025.

Next deadline: 22 Apr 2025

How to apply

Step 1: Check if your organisation is eligible via the self-recommendation form (Feb–22 April 2025).

Step 2: Organisations that meet all eligibility requirements will be invited to, with support as required, to submit written expressions of interest (May 2025).

Step 3: 20-25 organisations will be selected for and funded to participate in a capacity-building phase* (approx. June to September 2025)

Step 4: 10-15 organisations will be awarded 10-year funding by end of 2025

Contact information


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Activites funded: Citizenship and community involvement Community development and regeneration Environment General charitable activities Organisational development and capacity building Justice, equality and law Climate action

Beneficiaries funded: Black and Ethnic Minorities Economically/socially disadvantaged General public People in poverty Local communities

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Last reviewed 8 days ago

All funds from this funder

Foundation Scotland

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