William A Cargill Charitable Trust
The Trust supports hospitals, charitable institutions and societies within the UK and overseas whose work is likely to benefit the community.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: UK Overseas
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Capital, Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Annually awarded:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Payments may be made to hospitals, institutions, societies and others whose work is likely to benefit the community.
When to apply
Apply at any time.
How to apply
Contact the Trust for information on how to apply.
Activites funded: General charitable activities
Beneficiaries funded: General public
Last reviewed 26 days ago
William A Cargill Charitable Trust
Charity registered in Scotland SC012076
Miller Beckett & Jackson 190 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5SP
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.