Thomson Charitable Trust
The objectives of the Trust are to support charitable purposes which include those connected with music, the arts, sport, education and other spheres. Activities should benefit people in Perth or the wider area of Perth & Kinross and there is a preference for start-up projects or improvements to the charitable services being offered.
Young people: Grant applications will be considered from young people residing in Perth & Kinross to take part in voluntary work overseas or other youth group visits overseas provided it is organised by a registered charity or other similar body with experience in managing such work. Grants of up to £100 will be considered for overseas visits of short duration and up to £400 for longer visits of up to 12 months.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: Scotland Perth and Kinross
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Capital, Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Annually awarded:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Charities, institutions, organisations, individuals
When to apply
The Trustees meet at the end of May and November each year to consider applications but decisions may be taken between meetings.
How to apply
Application forms can be downloaded from the Trust website and submitted via email. A copy of the most recent Annual Report and Accounts be provided and the Summary Financial Statement section of the Application form should be completed.
Activites funded: General charitable activities
Beneficiaries funded: General public
Last reviewed about 1 month ago
Thomson Charitable Trust
Charity registered in Scotland SC010317
Messrs Miller Hendry Solicitors 10 Blackfriars Street, Perth, PH1 5NS
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.