The Percy Bilton Charity
The charity offers capital grants to registered charities in the UK whose primary objectives are to assist:
- disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (under 25 years of age)
- people with disabilities (physical or learning disabilities) or mental health problems
- older people (aged over 60).
Its funding priorities are to support projects to provide day centres, care homes, respite care facilities, sheltered housing, independent living accommodation, educational and recreational facilities for older people and those with physical or learning disabilities or enduring mental health problems, as well as educational and recreational facilities or supported living schemes for disadvantaged young people.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: UK
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Capital
Fund award sizes
- Average:
- Premium information
- Annually awarded:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
You need to be a registered charity to apply for a large grant. You do not need to be registered to apply for a small grant but you will need to supply a reference from another charity, Council for Voluntary Service or the local authority youth service.
When to apply
Applications may be submitted at any time and will be considered at the next appropriate Board meeting.
Applications for Small Grants of £500 are considered monthly.
How to apply
Apply in writing to the funder. See the website for details of what to include in your application. They encourage applicants to telephone for advice and guidance.
Activites funded: Citizenship and community involvement Health care and wellbeing Mental health care Recreation and social activities
Beneficiaries funded: People affected by drugs and alcohol Children Homeless or badly housed Mental health conditions Older people Disabilities Learning disabilities Sensory impairments Young people
Last reviewed 3 months ago
The Percy Bilton Charity
Registered charity (rUK) 1094720
Bilton House 7 Culmington Road, Ealing, London, W13 9NB
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Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.