Dumfries & Galloway Council - Common Good Funds
The fund provides organisations with financial help to organise events and activities for residents in their area. Depending on the criteria, funds may be awarded for:
- improving the appearance of the area
- attracting people into the area
- positively raising the profile of the area
- promoting awareness of the area
- contributing to a larger scale project with a longer term goal
The criteria for each area can be found on the Council website.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: Dumfries and Galloway
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Capital, Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Funding is open to a range of applicants, including: third sector, voluntary and community organisations; community groups which have a constitution and individuals.
When to apply
- Dumfries Common Good Fund Small Grants Scheme - open for applications
- Lockerbie Common Good Fund - currently closed
- Stranraer Common Good Fund - currently closed
How to apply
Application forms are available on the Council website and can be submitted by email.
Activites funded: Arts and culture Citizenship and community involvement Community development and regeneration Community facilities Environment Heritage and building preservation Recreation and social activities
Beneficiaries funded: General public Local communities
Last reviewed 2 months ago
Dumfries & Galloway Council
Council Offices, English Street, Dumfries, DG1 2DD
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.