The Robert Clutterbuck Trust
The Trust give grants to assist:
- Personnel within the Armed Forces and Ex-Servicemen and women;
- Sport and Recreational Facilities for young people giving priority to Cheshire and Hertfordshire;
- The Welfare, Protection and Preservation of Domestic Animal Life giving priority to Cheshire and Hertfordshire;
- Natural History and wildlife; Other charities associated with the counties of Cheshire and Hertfordshire;
- Charities which would have had particular appeal to the founder, Major Robert Clutterbuck.
Within the above categories the Trust prefers to make grants for specific items and projects rather than for running costs.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: UK
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Capital, Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Minimum:
- Premium information
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Average:
- Premium information
- Annually awarded:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Grants charities. Annual turnover must be less than £500,000 unless they are primarily concerned with the welfare of ex-service personnel or have previously received a grant from the Trust.
- Maximum annual income:
- £500,000
When to apply
The Trustees generally meet twice in each year to approve grants. The deadlines for the rounds of applications are 30 June and 31 December in each year. The Trustees generally meet in March and September.
Next deadline: 30 Jun 2025
How to apply
There are no application forms and charities wishing to apply should write to the Secretary giving details of what they propose to do with any grant made and of their current financial position. (Accounts are not needed if the most recent ones are available online.)
Activites funded: Animal welfare Environment Health care and wellbeing Heritage and building preservation Sport and physical activity Recreation and social activities
Last reviewed 2 months ago
The Robert Clutterbuck Trust
Registered charity (rUK) 1010559
28 Brookfields, Calver, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 3XB
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Funding Scotland Premium feature
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