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Supporting Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


The Aviva Community Fund supports projects that are fighting climate change and building stronger, more resilient communities across the UK and are investing in two key areas:

  • Climate Action: Promoting healthy, thriving communities by preventing, preparing for and protecting against the impacts of climate change
  • Financial Wellbeing: Helping people take control of their wellbeing by giving them the tools to be more financially independent and ready for anything

Any projects submitted should aim to:

  • develop a new approach, product or technology; or
  • implement a new initiative or pilot a new scheme; or
  • expand existing services to a new area or beneficiary group; or
  • adapt services to meet today's needs without compromising those of future generations

If your Climate Action project is focused on action for nature you may be eligible for addition funding through the Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund. You must be working towards:

  1. Nature restoration
  2. Nature connectedness and pro-environmental behaviours
  3. Community cohesion and connection.

For full details, visit the Community Fund website.

Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters

Geographical areas funded: UK

Fund type

Type of funding:
Other resources
Type of cost:
Capital, Revenue, Core costs

Fund award sizes

Premium information
Notes on award amounts:
Premium information

Who can apply

Any not-for-profit community organisation whose income is less than £1 million and has existed for at least 12 months.

Maximum annual income:

When to apply

Applications are open all year, with quarterly funding rounds for eligible charities.

How to apply

Eligible projects should submit an online application form and create a project page which explains your idea. These pages will be available to all Aviva employees to browse and donate to. Charities can also share their pages to also raise public donations. The full process is shown here -

Contact information


Premium information

Activites funded: Citizenship and community involvement Community development and regeneration Community facilities Education and training Environment Financial advice and support General charitable activities Health care and wellbeing Health education and promotion Mental health care Sport and physical activity Recreation and social activities

Beneficiaries funded: Black and Ethnic Minorities Economically/socially disadvantaged Families General public LGBTQI people People in poverty Mental health conditions Older people Ill-health Disabilities Learning disabilities Physical disabilities Sensory impairments Refugees and asylum seekers Local communities Young people

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Last reviewed 4 months ago