Digital Lifelines Programme: Supporting those at risk of death from a drug overdose
Posted on 17 January 2022 by Christie McAlpine in Digital
Digital Lifelines would like to work with enthusiastic teams and organisations that fulfil the following criteria to support people at risk of death from a drug overdose and those that care about them and support them. The aim is to evidence where further or different digital inclusion activity can make a difference, to look to enhance current activity and to share insights and recommend change more broadly to other organisations that would benefit.
To take part in the programme, organisations should fulfil the two criteria below:
- Currently be providing digital inclusion initiatives, including support to people in developing their skills and building confidence
- Currently be working with people who have recently experienced, or are most likely to experience, a near-death overdose
And be working on one or more of the following three themes:
- Through a relevant stay within a hospital setting or on discharge from hospital
- At release from custody
- Experiencing homelessness
Brief expressions of interest are invited from teams and organisations that would like to explore and potentially enhance their current activity in one or more of the settings above and take the time to share their findings with others through a learning community.
Successful applicants will work collectively with the Digital Lifelines team to agree which activities will form the bedrock of the discovery phase. The aim is to evidence where further or different digital inclusion activities can support people and to make recommendations on the most effective ways of delivering that support. It is expected that support could be for the individual themselves, people who care about them and the services that support them.
All who are successful in getting through to the programme will be offered a bursary of £5,000 to prepare for and take part in an initial online discovery day on Tuesday 22 February. This is also to prepare an application to take forward a project to enhance current activity and be an active learning community participant.
How to apply
If you would like to be involved, please submit your Expression of Interest by Friday 28 January 2022. If you have any queries, please contact
To submit your expression of interest, please fill in this form.