New fund for digital projects in Glasgow City Region is now open
Posted on 2 September 2024 by Chris Allen in Funding Grants Digital East Dunbartonshire Council East Renfrewshire Council Glasgow City Council Inverclyde Council North Lanarkshire Council Renfrewshire Council South Lanarkshire Council West Dunbartonshire Council
The Smart and Connected Social Places (SCSP) Innovation Fund provides grants of between £10,000 and £100,000 to support 5G and advanced wireless technology projects across Glasgow City Region.
The fund's aim is to think differently, to be relentlessly person-centred, to innovate at scale, and to push the boundaries on how connectivity, digital, and data can enable smart and connected social places that transform services and improve lives across the Glasgow City Region (GCR) and provide a blueprint to accelerate step-changes in outcomes across Scotland and the UK.
This fund is specifically designed for SMEs, charities, social enterprises, CICs, and housing associations. Its key foci are below:
Smart Social Housing & Other Assets
- Deploying at-scale connectivity
- Harnessing the potential of connectivity, digital and data solutions to support net zero
- Improving the energy efficiency of social homes to reduce fuel bills for tenants
- Improve health outcomes for residents / tenants
Connected Care & Wellbeing
- Leveraging connectivity
- Keep people safe, well, and socially connected in their own home / community
- Enabling right-time and right-place care and support interventions
- Promote wellness and prevent illness
- Realising whole system benefits for Councils, HSCPs, the NHS, and CPP partners
Data Aggregation & Business Intelligence
- Identifying and testing digital solutions
- Smart Devices, e.g. IoT Sensors, Health Solutions, Care Solutions, Connection Solutions, Compliance Solutions
- Assess the potential for data to transform services and improve lives at GCR scale
Applications are open now, and due by midday on Monday 16 September. Questions can be asked by email up until midday on Monday 9 September. Check the FAQs to see if your question has already been answered (they are updated regularly), and if not then submit your question to making sure to clearly label your email with "5GFund Question" in the email subject line.