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Search results
The National Lottery Community Fund - National Lottery Awards for All Scotland
Awards For All supports projects that aim to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. Priorities are: bringing communities together, improving places that matter to communities, and enabling people to fulfil their potential.
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
The Foundation is one of the largest independent grant-makers in the UK. Their new strategy focuses on three aims: Improving Our Natural World; Tackling injustice to deliver A Fairer Future; and Nurturing Creative, Confident Communities.
A B Charitable Trust
ABCT supports charities that defend human rights and promote respect for vulnerable individuals whatever their circumstances. The Trust is particularly interested in charities that work with marginalised and excluded people in society.
Next deadline: 25 Apr 2025
Andy Jackson Fund for Access
The Fund aims to improve and increase access to paddle-sports/canoeing for the waters of Scotland (e.g. canal, open water, marine and river). It provides funding to any project in Scotland that helps paddlers get on the water.
Beautiful Trouble - Get Up, Rise Up (GURU) Direct Action Fund
To support activists globally to shift power through strategic nonviolent direct actions to create a more socially and ecologically just, healthy, and equitable world for all.
Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park Ltd (CREPL)
The fund supports a broad range of community activity and development by supporting the charitable activities of community, not-for-profit groups.
Edge Fund
Edge Fund supports small grassroots organisations taking action for a just, equitable and sustainable world. It funds work that challenges abuses of power and aims to bring an end to the systems that cause injustice.
Fast Forward - Gambling Education & Prevention Small Action Fund
Groups of young people aged 12 – 25 in youth groups across Scotland have can apply for a micro grant to turn their ideas into action and create their own gambling education project.
Foresight Kinegar Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund (Cockburnspath)
The Foresight Kinegar Wind Farm Community Fund (Cockburnspath) supports community projects benefiting those living in Cockburnspath & Cove Community Council area in the Scottish Borders.
Foundation Scotland - Cockburnspath & Cove Community Fund
Community project funding for the Cockburnspath and Cove area.
Next deadline: 1 Apr 2025