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Search results
The Stanley Smith (UK) Horticultural Trust
Makes grants to UK projects of significance to horticulture (or botany with a strong horticultural content) and education for horticulture.
Next deadline: 15 Aug 2025
The Wakeham Trust
The Trust's core goal is to help small groups of people who are getting together to make a difference in their communities. They are especially interested in helping groups that are starting up and need a little seed money to help them get going.
The Wolfson Foundation - Funding for Places
The Foundation's main grants programme provides support for places. They fund capital initiatives across a broad range of organisations working across the fields of education, science and medicine, health and disability and arts and humanities.
Due to open: 14 May 2025
Triodos Bank - Crowdfunding
Triodos Crowdfunding helps charities, social enterprises and community groups connect directly with investors to raise finance.
Vodafone - charities.connected
Vodafone are providing free mobile connectivity to support charities in the UK tackle digital exclusion. SIMS can be used over 6 months and can be used however you like for example, to help stay in touch with service users, or deliver training to people.
Wellcome Trust
The trust's vision is to achieve extraordinary improvements in human and animal health. It offers a wide variety of funding schemes.
Wesleyan Foundation - Equality Grants
The equality grant is aimed at driving greater equality for disadvantaged groups in our society.
William Coull Anderson Trust
The fund supports the town and citizens of Arbroath. In practice it gives primarily to local youth, sport, recreation, arts and musical groups.
Worshipful Company Of Information Technologists
Makes grants to projects which demonstrate an innovative use of IT to enhance education, improve quality of life for the disadvantaged, and help organisations better use IT.
Next deadline: 7 May 2025
The Holmhead Trust
Supports work for the charitable purposes of the advancement of health and wellbeing; arts, heritage, culture or science; the relief of human suffering in Scotland.