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Search results
Muirden Energy - Community Benefit Funds
Muirden Energy provides community benefit funds to local communities that host their wind farms. They fund a wide range of community projects.
NHS National Services Scotland - Community Benefit Gateway
Community Benefit Gateway (CBG) is a free and easy to use online service that connects NHS Scotland suppliers with third sector community organisations within Scotland.
Nadara Gordonstown Wind Farm Community Fund (Auchterless, Inverkeithny & Fisherford)
Support activity which will sustain and develop the life of the community and ensure that the area is an attractive and vibrant place to live, work and visit.
North Ayrshire Council - Town Charitable Trust
North Ayrshire Council has a number of Charitable Trusts for particular towns and villages which are intended to provide assistance to those in need. Priorities vary by each area.
Parkinson's UK - Physical Activity Grants
Supports the development of more physical activity opportunities for people with Parkinson's in their local area that are fun and enjoyable.
Due to open: 10 Mar 2025
People's Postcode Trust
The aim of People's Postcode Trust is to support smaller charities and good causes in the Scotland to make a difference to their community for the benefit of people and planet.
Due to open: 24 Mar 2025
Perth & Kinross Sports Council
A range of grants are available including start up grants, development grants, equipment grants, and personal development grants.
Peter Harrison Foundation - Active Lives
Supports sport and physical activity at a grassroots level that enable people across the UK who are physically, mentally, socially or economically disadvantaged to develop personal and life skills to fulfil their potential.
Next deadline: 1 Apr 2025
Port of Aberdeen - Community Benefit
The Port of Aberdeen supports the local community through sponsorship of local charities and community groups. They partner with local charities and community group to provide project funding, as well as support with time, resources, or equipment.
Pump House Trust
Supports wide range of charitable activity but are particularly interested in community development, environmental, women’s and youth issues with a view to including social inclusion at all levels.