Guide to finding funding
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Search results
Benefact Trust - Roof Alarm Grants
Benefact Trust’s Roof Protection Scheme provides grants to help churches install roof alarms in response to the issue of metal theft, which continues to be a very challenging issue across the UK.
Buccleuch Charitable Foundation
The Foundation supports a wide range of organisations including supporting arts, sport, heritage, health, welfare and youth work.
Charles Trotter's Trust
The fund supports causes with further the objects and interests of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland.
Columba Trust
The trust funds the advancement of the Roman Catholic religion, including the promotion of the higher education for the Roman Catholic clergy or laity, and for the relief of poverty, the promotion of health and education overseas and youth work.
David William Traill Cargill Fund
The trust supports religious causes, medical charities, help for older people, care of children, youth organisations, community care, and general charitable purposes.
Drummond Trust
To give grant assistance with the publication of works of sound Christian doctrine and evangelical purpose. Applications will be considered from individual authors, organisations and publishers.
Next deadline: 31 Jul 2025
Duncan C Leggat Charitable Trust
The trust makes grants to individuals and groups in need of funding in the West of Scotland, working in the areas of poverty, education and religion.
Edge Fund
Edge Fund supports small grassroots organisations taking action for a just, equitable and sustainable world. It funds work that challenges abuses of power and aims to bring an end to the systems that cause injustice.
Ethnic Minority Development Fund
Available to any ethnic minority-led voluntary or community organisation in Scotland for projects which bring people together, support ethnic minority people, and improve spaces that matter to communities.
Opened: 12 Feb 2025
Next deadline: 14 Apr 2025
Ferguson Bequest Fund
The principle activities of the fund are the maintenance and repair of church buildings throughout Scotland with priority to churches in the west and south west of Scotland. Support is also given for new initiatives and projects in Christian Mission.