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Search results
The Ironmongers’ Company - Iron projects
Funding for the conservation of historic ironwork or the creation of new decorative iron or steel work.
Next deadline: 31 Mar 2025
The Jerusalem Trust
Awards grants to advance the Christian religion and promote Christian organisations, and to advice Christian education and learning.
The Joseph Rank Trust
The Trustees have two main areas of interest: projects that demonstrate a Christian approach to the practical, educational and spiritual needs of people of all ages and the adaptation of Church properties.
Due to open: 1 May 2025
The Kirby Laing Foundation
The Foundation supports a wide range of charities both in the UK and abroad. Areas of particular interest include education and youth development, medical welfare and research, culture and the environment, and overseas development projects.
The Maurice & Hilda Laing Charitable Trust
The Trust has a specifically Christian focus and most grants are made to or through faith-based organisations. The main areas of interest are Advancement of Christian Religion, Relief of Poverty in the UK and Relief of Poverty Overseas.
The McCorquodale Charitable Trust
Funding for a wide variety of charitable organisations across Scotland and the UK. Previous recipients include: National Trust Scotland, The Abbotsford Trust, Erskine Hospital, St Mungos and Highland Hospice.
The Paristamen Charity - Responsive Grants
Paristamen Responsive Grants are intended to make a contribution to the running costs of a wide range of small/medium charities operating in Scotland.
Next deadline: 1 Jun 2025
The Peter Vardy Foundation
The Peter Vardy Foundation focuses on supporting disadvantaged and vulnerable children in both Scotland and overseas. It provides funds to support educate and care for children and young people.
The Pilgrim Trust - Preservation and Conservation Grants
Aims to preserve the fabric of historically important buildings, places of worship and to conserve significant collections and artefacts.
The Roger and Sarah Bancroft Clark Charitable Trust
The trust makes grants across a range of areas. In the past grants have been made to religious organisations, in particular Quaker, charities connected with Somerset and education charities.