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Search results
The John Kemp Charitable Trust
The Trust supports a wide array of charitable initiatives. Categories include; Adult and Child Welfare, Animals, Children, and Medical Research and Support.
The Kirby Laing Foundation
The Foundation supports a wide range of charities both in the UK and abroad. Areas of particular interest include education and youth development, medical welfare and research, culture and the environment, and overseas development projects.
The Mackintosh Foundation
The Foundation supports wide range of charitable activities. The main areas are Theatre and the Performing arts and Children / Education. They also support medical causes, community projects, homelessness and the environment.
The Maple Trust
This small trust supports charities working in Scotland, focusing on children and young people.
Opened: 23 Aug 2024
The Maurice & Hilda Laing Charitable Trust
The Trust has a specifically Christian focus and most grants are made to or through faith-based organisations. The main areas of interest are Advancement of Christian Religion, Relief of Poverty in the UK and Relief of Poverty Overseas.
The Noel Buxton Trust
The Trust supports voluntary organisations working in three areas: Sustainable livelihood projects in Africa, Work with families affected by domestic abuse and prisoners and ex-offenders in the UK.
The Philip Henman Trust
Trust offers grants to major UK- based charities, who are concerned with overseas development and who require partnership funding for projects lasting between three and five years.
Opened: 11 Sep 2024
Next deadline: 10 Sep 2025
The Rangers Charity Foundation
They make in-kind donations to charities, community groups and other worthwhile causes worth thousands of pounds every year.
The Sir Halley Stewart Trust
The Trust funds projects that focus on the prevention (rather than the alleviation) of human suffering. They have three priority areas Medical, Social and Religious, with education being a central theme that runs across all three.
Next deadline: 30 Jun 2025
The Stafford Trust
Funds charities under the headings of animal welfare; child / adult welfare; medical research; local community projects; HM services personnel; sea rescue; overseas appeals. Preference is given to applications from Scotland.