Guide to finding funding
For support with funding and fundraising, take a look at our funding guide.
Search results
The Edinburgh Bakers Trust
The Trust funds work towards building skills in baking; supporting baking in the arts, science and/or culture; and history/research relating to Scottish milling, flour and related grains, baking in the community - Edinburgh and beyond.
The Erskine Cunningham Hill Trust
Grants are restricted to Scottish charities carrying out work with the elderly, young people, ex-service personnel and seafarers. Priority is given to charities largely administered by voluntary or honorary officials.
The Graham Trust
Supports a range of areas including arts, heritage, disability, prevention of poverty and animal welfare. The Trust has a preference to give to charitable organisations operating in Scotland.
The Grocer's Charity - Memorial Grants
The Grocers’ Charity typically provides one-off grants for U.K. registered charities working in one of their key areas of interest.
Next deadline: 5 Sep 2025
The Helvellyn Foundation
The Helvellyn is a proactive funder who conduct their own research and reach out to organisations when appropriate. Their focus is around biodiversity, climate and the environment.
The Hugh Stenhouse Foundation
Supports social welfare causes, children and young people, medical and health organisations, environment/conservation and heritage. They prefer local initiatives where there help can make a real difference with priority for the West of Scotland.
The John Kemp Charitable Trust
The Trust supports a wide array of charitable initiatives. Categories include; Adult and Child Welfare, Animals, Children, and Medical Research and Support.
The Leathersellers’ Small Grants Programme
The small grants programme supports small charities providing vital services to the most vulnerable members of our community.
Next deadline: 31 Mar 2025
The MacRobert Trust - Monetary Awards
The monetary awards are split into four categories: Cromar, Alastrean, Douneside and Lady MacRobert. Each one has its own specific governance arrangements and internal processes. Lady MacRobert awards are currently closed.
The Maple Trust
This small trust supports charities working in Scotland, focusing on children and young people.
Opened: 23 Aug 2024