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Supporting Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

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Search results

Total results: 252  |  Current page: 10 (Limited to 20 pages)

The Stafford Trust

Funds charities under the headings of animal welfare; child / adult welfare; medical research; local community projects; HM services personnel; sea rescue; overseas appeals. Preference is given to applications from Scotland.

Next deadline: 31 Dec 2024

Last reviewed 26 days ago

NHS Lothian Charity - Small Grants

Small Grants are only available to projects that will directly benefit patients of NHS Lothian, whether in hospital wards and departments, or in community health services. Applicants must be employees of NHS Lothian.

Next deadline: 1 Nov 2024

Last reviewed about 1 month ago

Annie Ramsay Mclean Trust For The Elderly

Primarily supports organisations in Tayside and Fife who support older people who are disadvantaged economically, socially, or through ill health or disability.

Last reviewed about 1 month ago

Scottish Property Industry Festival of Christmas (SPIFOX)

Gives grants to children's charities in Scotland, enabling the purchase of equipment and the provision of facilities to better perform their function of caring.

Last reviewed about 1 month ago

Wm Sword Charitable Trust

Grants are given to provide relief and assistance to children and other persons who are sick or are otherwise in conditions of need, hardship or distress. Preference is given to applications from small projects local to Dundee.

Last reviewed about 1 month ago

The National Lottery Community Fund - National Lottery Awards for All Scotland

Awards For All supports projects that aim to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. Priorities are: bringing communities together, improving places that matter to communities, and enabling people to fulfil their potential.

Last reviewed 17 days ago

Dr & Mrs J D Olav Kerr Charitable Trust

The objectives of the Trust are widely drawn. In the past, trustees have split donations amongst military and medical charities, and youth organisations.

Last reviewed about 1 month ago

Stanley Morrison Trust

The trust supports activities that will encourage young people to increase their participation in sporting activities.

Last reviewed about 1 month ago

Lady Margaret Skiffington Trust

Grants are available to organisations benefiting blind and visually impaired people who live in East Fife or who come to East Fife for rehabilitation or training.

Last reviewed about 1 month ago

RYA Foundation

The RYA Foundation seeks to promote participation in boating by those who are disadvantaged by reason of youth, age, infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances.

Last reviewed 3 days ago