Guide to finding funding
For support with funding and fundraising, take a look at our funding guide.
The Tabhair Charitable Trust
All grant giving is informed by Tabhair’s commitment to support the disadvantaged and promote education, training and community action. Applications can be made for individual projects or core costs.
Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust
Funding is given under the main headings of health, education, youth work, religion and relief of poverty.
Sylvia Aitken Charitable Trust
Funding is intended for organisations which are involved in initiatives that benefit children, young people, students or researchers. In particular the grant aims to aid the development of medical research and higher or further education.
Next deadline: 28 Feb 2025
The Graham Trust
Supports a range of areas including arts, heritage, disability, prevention of poverty and animal welfare. The Trust has a preference to give to charitable organisations operating in Scotland.
Kelly Family Charitable Trust
Funds charities involving family members in initiatives that support and encourage the family to work as a cohesive unit in tackling problems that face one or more of its members.
Next deadline: 1 Mar 2025
Cray Trust
This trust mainly supports charities benefitting young people in the east of Scotland. They tend to favour children's, health, carers and church charities.
The Maple Trust
This small trust supports charities working in Scotland, focusing on children and young people.
Opened: 23 Aug 2024
The Albert Hunt Trust
The Trust supports organisations that; Provide Hospice Care; Provide support for the Homeless; Promote health and well being. Areas of support have included physical and learning disability, physical and mental health, social challenge and deprivation.
Ferguson Bequest Fund
The principle activities of the fund are the maintenance and repair of church buildings throughout Scotland with priority to churches in the west and south west of Scotland. Support is also given for new initiatives and projects in Christian Mission.
Dunard Fund
The Dunard Fund seeks to promote and advance the arts in Scotland, and makes donations principally under the following headings: Classical Music, Visual Arts, Architectural, Humanitarian and Environmental.
Opened: 1 May 2025
Next deadline: 31 May 2025