Fife Council
5th Floor, Fife House North Street,
Currently open funds
Fife Council - Community £2 for £1 Rural Halls Fundraising Grant Scheme
To encourage village and community hall committees to introduce and develop a fundraising programme to generate funds, Fife Council will match £2 for every £1 raised.
Fife Council - Culture Grants
Grants to encourage and support creativity in local communities in the following areas: literature, performance, heritage, audio-visual, and visual arts.
Fife Council - Special Projects Scheme
One-off grants for voluntary organisations whose work complements the work of Social Work Services. Particular attention will be given to groups operating within priority areas or serving priority groups within the terms of Fife Council Policies.
Fife Council - Youth Work Grants
Fife Council’s Community Youth Work Grants Scheme offers assistance through three schemes: Youth Work Project Grant; International Youth Experience Grant; and Youth Work Volunteering Training Grant.
Fife Council - Settlement Trusts
The Council has a number of settlement trusts which support projects under a wide range of categories including education, arts, local communities and the environment.
Fife Council - Local Community Planning
Support projects which meet some of the priorities of your local area’s community plan Local Community Plans. Priorities include improvements to community facilities, employment initiatives, and supporting vulnerable groups.
Fife Council - Common Good Funds
A number of towns in Fife have a Common Good Fund which can be used for the benefit of the inhabitants of that town. The level of funds available varies significantly between the different Common Good Funds.
Fife Council - Childcare Grants
Grant are available to constituted, non-profit distributing voluntary groups or organisations that develop and provide a registered out of school childcare service. There are two schemes, Childcare and Transport Grants.
Fife Council - Tenants Groups Schemes
To help meet running costs of tenant and residents groups, such as publicising and holding meetings; responding to requests for help, from tenants and the Council; producing information for those they represent; keeping up to date with local developments.