UnLtd Awards
The programme provides specialist support for social entrepreneurs to help them grow as social leaders. They combine cash and coaching to help nurture ideas and grow impact. It doesn't matter what stage of development your social venture is at. It can be an idea on paper, or a social venture in practice already. They have three focus areas for UK wide funding:
- Healthy aging - help the UK become a better place to grow old.
- Access to employment - helping people into good jobs and meaningful employment, particularly those who are currently denied those opportunities. Funding Futures Programme - harnessing the power of youth to find solutions for those who have been sidelined by the financial system They are committed to 50% of our awards going to Black, Asian and minority ethnic social entrepreneurs, and/or disabled social entrepreneurs across our funding programmes.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: Scotland UK
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant, Other resources
- Type of cost:
- Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
They can support you if you are:
- Aged 16 and over
- Living in and working to benefit people in the United Kingdom
- Willing to participate in a learning experience
- Have a real social impact
- Fulfil a clear need and demand and have clear outputs and goals
When to apply
They recommend submitting your application as soon as possible. Applications can be submitted at any time, with cut off dates every three months.
Next deadline: 24 Mar 2025
How to apply
Apply online via the UnLtd website.
Activites funded: Employability services Social care and welfare
Beneficiaries funded: Economically/socially disadvantaged Older people Unemployed
Last reviewed 2 months ago
Scotland Unltd
Charity registered in Scotland SC032445
Caledonian Exchange 19a Canning Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8HE
Funder Commitment on Climate ChangeThis funder has signed the Funder Commitment on Climate Change. Find out more
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Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.