Marsh Charitable Trust
The Trust provides funding which could help small organisations pay for various running costs, such as volunteer expenses, training days, equipment maintenance and other core outgoings.
Grants are unrestricted and provides long-term core funding. The Trust aims to build long-standing relationships with successful applicants and, subject to an annual review, continue its support over time.
The areas funded by the Trust are:
- Social welfare
- Environmental causes and animal welfare
- Healthcare and medical research
- Education and training
- Arts and heritage
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: UK
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Core costs
Fund award sizes
- Minimum:
- Premium information
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Annually awarded:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Applicants must be a registered charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland. This does not include Community Interest Companies (CICs).
Charities must have been established for more than one financial year and able to provide a full set of their most recent Annual Report and Accounts, or the equivalent financial information if their annual income is under £25,000.
When to apply
There are no deadlines and applications can be submitted at any time. Applications are processed on an on-going basis and you will usually hear within 2 months.
How to apply
There is no standard application form. Applications must include a cover letter (one to two sides) and full set of the most recent Annual Report and Accounts. Applications should be made in writing to the Trust.
Charities must be able to provide a full set of their most recent Annual Report and Accounts, or the equivalent financial information if their annual income is under £25,000.
Activites funded: Animal welfare Arts and culture Education and training Environment Health care and wellbeing Heritage and building preservation Social care and welfare
Beneficiaries funded: Children Economically/socially disadvantaged Families General public Care experienced people Socially isolated people People in poverty Older people Ill-health Disabilities Local communities Young people
Last reviewed 4 months ago
Marsh Charitable Trust
Registered charity (rUK) 284470
4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9NP
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Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.