Scottish Recovery Consortium - Recovery Seed Fund
The aim of the fund is to develop and support substance and/or behaviour Lived Experience recovery organisations to trial, grow and develop their ideas, services or products and build organisational capacity.
You can apply for the fund if you are a substance and/or behaviour Lived Experience Recovery Organisation/voluntary group (LERO). This is defined as an organisation that has autonomy or independence, are led by understanding, knowledgeable staff or volunteers, with people of lived experience of recovery running the group.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: Scotland
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant, Other resources
- Type of cost:
- Revenue, Core costs
Fund award sizes
- Maximum:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Organisations that are less than 12 months old OR unconstituted if you have been active for longer.
- Maximum annual income:
- £30,000
When to apply
This is a rolling program and applications are accepted at any time.
How to apply
Initial contact should be made with SRC to discuss your proposal. Additional support may be offered at this time prior to submitting an application. Download the application form available on the SRC website.
Activites funded: Advice and information Education and training Employability services Health care and wellbeing Mental health care Organisational development and capacity building Social care and welfare
Beneficiaries funded: People affected by drugs and alcohol
Last reviewed 5 months ago
Scottish Recovery Consortium
Charity registered in Scotland SC041181
2/1 30 Bell Street, Glasgow, G1 1LG
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.