Inverclyde ADP Local Recovery Fund Programme
The Inverclyde ADP Local Recovery Fund Programme is a small local grant programme available to constituted third sector organisations supporting individuals and families affected by problematic alcohol and drug use. The fund can be used to experiment with new ways of working with partners, to support people into recovery, or support people on their journey back into community life.
All grants will need to respond to the following objectives:
- Increasing the number of people entering recovery support services in Inverclyde.
- Increasing the number of people being supported back into community life when they are ready to move on from support services.
- Realising the potential that can come from working in collaboration with other organisations.
- Broadening the partnership working in Inverclyde between support services.
- Raising the profile of recovery support services in Inverclyde.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: Inverclyde
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Revenue
Fund award sizes
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Annually awarded:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Applications must be a partnership bid of two or more third sector organisations. One of the partner organisations must be a member of the Recovery Development Group. At least one organisation in the partnership must be a constituted third sector organisation with a bank account in their name.
When to apply
Currently closed.
How to apply
Application forms can be downloaded from the CVS Inverclyde website and should be submitted by email.
Activites funded: Housing and shelter Advice and information Health care and wellbeing Mental health care Social care and welfare
Beneficiaries funded: People affected by drugs and alcohol
Last reviewed 2 months ago
CVS Inverclyde
Charity registered in Scotland SC024376
West College Scotland, Finnart Street, Greenock, PA16 8HF
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.