Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Migration Fund
The Paul Hamlyn Foundation envisions a world in which everyone is free to move, and no one is forced to move. The Migration Fund focuses both on how organisations work, and what they seek to achieve. They will continue to invest in a range of strategies to:
- prevent a roll-back of rights and implement stronger protections and entitlements for those who move in the ‘here and now’
- build knowledge, solidarity, and power in our communities, and
- support those who are imagining, rehearsing, and practising the future we want to see for us all.
Through the Migration Fund, the Foundation wants to support organisations who are working towards:
- embedding anti-racist practice across their organisation and work.
- adopting an organisational culture that centres care and wellbeing.
- shifting power to migrants and diaspora communities so their interests, perspectives and contributions are centred across the organisation’s work.
- building solidarity and collaboration across communities, while working towards transformational change that benefits us all.
- unlearning and challenging the harm, inequity, and oppression within their organisational structures and work.
- learning, reflecting and being responsive to change.
They will consider applications for:
- core funding for salaries, organisational costs, etc.
- funding dedicated to a specific programme
- funding for partnerships
Full guidelines are available on the fund website. The Foundation can provide pre-application support and a bursary of up to £500 to help you apply.
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: UK
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Revenue, Core costs
Fund award sizes
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
The Migration Fund is open to applications from not-for-profit organisations of any size working anywhere in the UK. Newly established and unincorporated groups are also welcome to apply if they fit the criteria.
They will prioritise applications from organisations:
- led by migrants and diaspora communities.
- that work with historically underfunded groups and regions.
- with annual turnover under £500,000.
- that have less access to funding from other sources.
When to apply
The Migration Fund operates on a rolling basis. This means organisations can apply at any time as there are no deadlines.
After making your written application, it usually takes us between 4-9 months to reach a final decision.
How to apply
Apply online via the Foundation website. There is a two stage process. The first is an initial enquiry call followed by a full written application.
Activites funded: Advice and information Citizenship and community involvement Organisational development and capacity building Social care and welfare Justice, equality and law
Beneficiaries funded: Black and Ethnic Minorities Refugees and asylum seekers Local communities Voluntary sector organisations
Last reviewed 4 months ago
Paul Hamlyn Foundation
Registered charity (rUK) 1102927
5 - 11 Leeke Street, London, WC1X 9HY
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