Foundation Scotland - Cockburnspath & Cove Community Fund
The Panel will welcome applications that propose to work across the Community Council area and which would benefit the the community of Cockburnspath & Cove. Groups located outwith the Fund area can apply, provided that the project can clearly demonstrate and evidence impact for the area.
The fund provides grants to support charitable activities that:
- Enhance the quality of life for the local residents.
- Contribute to vibrant, healthy, successful and sustainable communities.
- Promote community spirit and encourage community activity.
- Preserve, enhance or give better access to culture, heritage and the environment.
Cockburnspath & Cove Community Council has published a Community Action Plan for the area, based on consultations with local residents. The Fund will particularly welcome applications for grants that contribute towards the priorities and themes identified in the Community Action Plan.
As well as demonstrating a fit with at least one of the outcomes above, priority for grants can be given to projects that demonstrate the following additional criteria:
- Local procurement
- Sustainable development
- Local consultation
- Partnership working
Premium information is available exclusively to SCVO members and supporters
Geographical areas funded: Scottish Borders
Fund type
- Type of funding:
- Grant
- Type of cost:
- Capital, Revenue, Core costs
Fund award sizes
- Minimum:
- Premium information
- Maximum:
- Premium information
- Annually awarded:
- Premium information
- Notes on award amounts:
- Premium information
Who can apply
Groups and organisations working to benefit people in the Cockburnspath & Cove area can apply. You don’t need to be a registered charity to apply. Applications from groups/organisations located out with the fund area will be considered case-by-case. They must demonstrate a clear benefit for residents within the Fund area.
When to apply
Deadlines are as follows:
- 14 January 2025 (for decision in March)
- 1 April 2025 (for decision in June)
- 8 July 2025 (for decision September)
- 16 September 2025 (for decision November)
Next deadline: 14 Jan 2025
How to apply
- Small and medium grants (between £500 and £20,000): complete the online application form on their website.
- Large grant applications (more than £20,001): there is a two-stage application process. Submit a short enquiry form.
Activites funded: Housing & shelter Arts & culture Befriending & mentoring Campaigning Citizenship & community involvement Community development & regeneration Community facilities Community safety Education & training Employability services Environment Financial advice & support General charitable activities Health care & wellbeing Health education & promotion Heritage & building preservation Mental health care Organisational development & capacity building Sport & physical activity Recreation & social activities Respite & holidays Science & technology Social care & welfare Justice, equality & law Energy Climate action
Beneficiaries funded: General public Rural communities Local communities
Last reviewed 22 days ago
Foundation Scotland
Charity registered in Scotland SC022910
15 Calton Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8DL
Funder Commitment on Climate Change
Similar funds from other funders
Funding Scotland Premium feature
This feature is only available to SCVO member and supporter organisations.